
The Holy Bible speaks of dispensations, covenants, secrets and mysteries. This then is a book  which seeks to show these. It is a book that expresses new perspectives and viewpoints although there ‘ is nothing new under the sun.’ The Son of God, the Anointed One has come and His message is either received or rejected. There are only two types of persons then, although the Scriptures speak of Jews, Gentiles and the Church or House of God. It is from the first two groups that the third group is formed. This then is the mystery of the Messianic Age of the Messiah, to see the two become the one new man.

The author has drawn on many sources and above all illuminations from the inspired, infallible and in-errant Word of God. There is of course no further ‘revelation’ we have a sealed book and so John the beloved wrote, ‘Y’shua  (Jesus) did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.’ This book then is just that, another book to glorify His Name and redeeming work. Many a scholar and lay person will find refreshing insights and words expressing the divine work of our Lord.

As one of the elders of a Messianic Fellowship whose congregation fulfils the desires of God to see Jews and Gentiles as one, this book will be extremely helpful to Jew and Gentile in understanding the plan, and purposes of God and for His people. The Church has long needed to understand it has a special relationship with and a responsibility towards Israel. Truth has been lost throughout the ages but like a treasure is always rediscovered. In these end times then let this book be dedicated to the One who inspired its writer and author as He did in times past. To those searching for the ‘truth’ this will be a very helpful book in bringing clear understanding and direction in where our focus should be.

I trust in the grace of God to open the eyes and to open the hearts of those searching for the ‘truth’ for it is only the Lord Jesus who declared He is the way, the truth and the life to all irrespective of colour and creed. Let this little work be to the glory of God and to the increase of His government in this world.

John Young

Manchester Messianic Fellowship 

December 2000
